Holidays in Saudi Arabia in 2023

01 JanSundayNew Year's Day Non Public
25 JanWednesdayOpposite Day Other
08 FebWednesdayPropose Day Other
21 FebTuesdayInternational Mother Language Day Other
21 FebTuesdayMardi Gras Other
22 FebWednesdayFoundation Day Public
03 MarFridayWorld Wildlife Day Other
08 MarWednesdayInternational Women’s Day Other
08 MarWednesdayHoli Other
15 MarWednesdayIdes of March Other
20 MarMondayMarch Equinox Non Public
21 MarTuesdayWorld Down Syndrome Day Other
22 MarWednesdayWorld Water Day Other
25 MarSaturdayEarth Hour Other
02 AprSundayPalm Sunday Other
06 AprThursdayMaundy Thursday Other
07 AprFridayWorld Health Day Other
21 AprFridayFestival of Breaking the Fast Public
22 AprSaturdaySecond Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Public
23 AprSundayThird Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Public
24 AprMondayFourth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
25 AprTuesdayFifth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
26 AprWednesdaySixth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
27 AprThursdaySeventh Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
28 AprFridayEighth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
29 AprSaturdayNinth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
30 AprSundayTenth Day of the Festival of Breaking the Fast Non Public
12 MayFridayInternational Nurses Day Other
18 MayThursdayAscension Day Other
31 MayWednesdayWorld No Tobacco Day Other
03 JunSaturdayWorld Bicycle Day Other
05 JunMondayWorld Environment Day Other
21 JunWednesdayJune Solstice Non Public
27 JunTuesdayDay of Arafah Public
28 JunWednesdayFeast of the Sacrifice Public
29 JunThursdaySecond Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Public
30 JunFridayThird Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Public
01 JulSaturdayFourth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
02 JulSundayFifth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
03 JulMondaySixth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
04 JulTuesdaySeventh Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
05 JulWednesdayEighth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
06 JulThursdayNinth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
07 JulFridayTenth Day of the Feast of the Sacrifice Non Public
18 JulTuesdayIslamic New Year's Day Non Public
30 JulSundayFriendship Day Other
26 AugSaturdayNational Dog Day Other
16 SepSaturdayOktoberfest Other
16 SepSaturdayBatman Day Other
21 SepThursdayInternational Day of Peace Other
23 SepSaturdayFirst Day of Fall Other
23 SepSaturdayFall Equinox Other
23 SepSaturdaySeptember Equinox Non Public
23 SepSaturdaySaudi National Day Public
26 SepTuesdayBirth of the Prophet Non Public
27 SepWednesdayWorld Tourism Day Other
29 SepFridayWorld Heart Day Other
29 OctSundayNational Cat Day Other
28 NovTuesdayGiving Tuesday Other
01 DecFridayWorld AIDS Day Other
15 DecFridayInternational Tea Day Other
17 DecSundaySaturnalia Other
22 DecFridayDecember Solstice Non Public
31 DecSundayNew Year's Eve Non Public