International Day of Peace - September 21, 2024

International Day of Peace
Last Updated on: 25 Nov 2022

What is the International Day of Peace 

The UN General Assembly has designated this day as a time to enhance the values of peace by engaging in 24 hours of pacifism and a desist. Additionally, it encourages a green, sustainable economy that creates jobs, lowers emissions, and strengthens resistance to the effects of climate change.

International Day of Peace all Quick Overview

  • Time/ Date:  21 September annually  
  • Category: Cause 
  • Where It’s Marked:  All member countries of the United Nations.
  • Why It’s Marked:  The day is mainly celebrated to develop the ideals of peace within each nation and its citizens and further among the corresponding communities. 

History of International Day of Peace

The United Nations established the International Day of Peace in 1981. Aligning with the commencement of the UN General Assembly, it was initially intended to be commemorated on the 3rd Tuesday in September.

Although in 2001, the date was designated September 21, it has remained recognized since then. Let’s guide you through the entire timeline of the success of the treaty step by step.

  • To celebrate and advance the principles of peace, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution designating September 21 as the International Day of Peace in 1981.
  •  The inaugural International Day of Peace was commemorated on September 21, 1982. 
  • The event's subject was "The Right of People to Peace." 
  • A Culture of a Peace initiative, launched by the United Nations Secretary-General in 1983, aspires to bring together the strengths of agencies, enterprises, and personalities to promote peace. 
  • In 2001, Kofi Annan, the secretary-general of the United Nations, issued a statement recognizing this. 
  • Kofi Annan proposed a 22-hour global cease-fire in 2005 to proclaim a day free of violence. 
  • Kofi Annan's last instance of rung the peace bell while in office was in 2006. 
  • A minute of silence was observed worldwide in 2007 when UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon struck the peace bell at the organization's headquarters in New York, advocating for a 24-hour desist in conflicts. 
  • The International Year of Reconciliation was declared in 2009, and it was proposed to disperse countless white doves to symbolize the day. 
  • The International Day of Peace's 2010 motif was "Youth for Peace and Development.
  • The International Day of Peace's 2011 concept was "Peace and Democracy: 
  • Make Your Voice Heard." "Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future" served as the topic for 2012.
  • In 2013, "Focus on Peace Education" emerged as the title. 
  • The motto for 2014 was "Right to Peace." Partnerships for Peace - Dignity for All was the theme for 2015. 
  • The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace was the subject of 2016. Together for Peace: Respect, Safety, and Dignity for All was the theme for 2017. 
  • The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” turned 70 in 2018, and that year's subject was "The Right to Peace."

How to Celebrate International Day of Peace

International Peace Day

Remember that the fundamental factors that inspired the establishment of the International Day of Peace are the ones to cling to. The power of banding together is much larger than just waiting for good to come, notably throughout a global epidemic.

The Secretary-General recognizes the day in the Peace Garden at UN Headquarters by striking the Peace Bell and holding a moment of quiet, as happens every year.

Delegates at the service can include UN Messengers of Peace. On the same day, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the UN Education Outreach Section conducts a global student videoconference at UN Headquarters.

Countries that observe the International Day of Peace

The 193 regional governments that are UN affiliates and have effective representation throughout the United Nations General Assembly are referred to as UN member states which contribute to the observance of International Peace Day through various demonstrations and peacekeeping movements.

Some major member countries include the United States, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Australia, along with others. 

Interesting Facts about the International Day of Peace

 Societies from all corners of the globe come together to discuss how to make additional development while also taking stock of past accomplishments. Here are some key details regarding this worldwide holiday we bet you didn't know about! 

  • In Paris, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted and approved. It contains 30 articles defending civil liberties and is available in more than 500 languages for perusal. Although they are described in several multilateral obligations, commercial agreements, laws, and constitutions, these rights are not legally binding and cannot be enforced in conflict resolution. 
  • The Dove's Significance:  The "Dove of Peace" by Pablo Picasso served as the official symbol of the 1949 First International Peace Conference, which was held in Paris. Ever since the dove has become the most well-known representation of peace, the dove, typically holding an olive branch, symbolizes rebirth and serenity in Greek and Biblical interpretations.
  • A substantial corpus of scholarly research shows that UN peacekeeping missions serve to prevent wars, shorten hostilities, lessen civilian misery, and minimize the likelihood of future wars. It works! It demonstrates that number possesses a unique quality.

Unique International Day of Peace Celebration ideas 

The member states of the United Nations are already observing the day throughout with a bunch of activities planned, but here’s a list of a little bit of personalized touch we can give to commemorate this day on our own. 

1. Peaceable Conclusion

The most effective course of action on this day is possible to dedicate some time to learning more about conflict resolution, nonviolent problem-solving, and diplomatic solutions—simple concepts with significant effects.

2. Lighting a candle

You can also mark the day's passing by merely putting out a candle at midday, keeping a brief moment of silence, or performing a kind deed once a day. 

3. Watch a Film

The UN advises viewing a movie on September 21 if you like Netflix, especially regarding fostering peace, like "A Force More Powerful," which explores the effectiveness of nonviolent conflict resolution, and "Little Town of Bethlehem," which recounts the story of three men who jeopardized everything and anything to bring an end to terror in their remaining lifetime.

You may also look at "The Imam and the Pastor," which analyzes Muslim-Christian ties. 

4. Nurture a Plant

 The 'LEAF International Organisation' operates with schools throughout the country to protect forests, make harmony, and get the upcoming generation ready for futures that will be more environmentally and pacifically sustainable. Alternately, you raise a 'peace tree.'

International Day of Peace Quotes

Browse a few uplifting and heartfelt sayings of love and peace from some of history's most significant figures. You may calm your mind, body, and spirit with these peaceful ideas.

‘Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.’ - Albert Einstein

‘Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. ’ - John F. Kennedy

‘If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another. ’ - Winston Churchill


1. What is the theme for International Day of Peace 2022?

The emblem of the 2022 International Day of Peace is "End Racism. Build Peace.

2. Which symbol represents the International Day of Peace?

The International Day of Peace is frequently associated with the dove as a symbol.Which symbol represents the International Day of Peace? The International Day of Peace is frequently associated with the dove as a symbol.

3. Does every year the International Day of Peace has a different theme?

Since the day calls for a peace offering to various cultures, a significant change in pattern has been noticed annually. For 2021, the theme was “Recovering better for an Equitable and Sustainable World.” Consequently, in 2019, “Climate Action for Peace” was made the top priority, and the United Nations was selected as the concept for that year.

International Day of Peace Observances

2021Tuesday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace
2022Wednesday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace
2023Thursday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace
2024Saturday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace
2025Sunday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace
2026Monday21 SeptemberInternational Day of Peace

We constantly update the dates of holidays that keep changing every year. However, while we revise and change some dates to be accurate, if you find any errors, kindly inform us . That will mean a lot to us.

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