Sweetest Day in United States

Sweetest Day United States

What is Sweetest Day?

Sweetest Day has a more general focus than just interpersonal connections. It is customary to give candy to friends and relatives on Sweetest Day, a non-official feast honoring friendship, love, and generosity.

Sweetest Day - All Quick Overview

  • Time/Date: October 23
  • Category: Relationship
  • Where It’s Marked: United States of America
  • Why It’s Marked: A time to express gratitude to the influential individuals in our existence.

History of Sweetest Day

"Candy Day," a campaign started by the National Confectioner's Association in October 1916, was the forerunner of Sweetest Day. The holiday was abruptly canceled in 1917 due to some kind of World War I-related scarcity of sugar. 

Nevertheless, it was revived as "Sweetest Day" in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1921 with the help of Herbert Birch Kingston, the head of state of an entertainment company, who reconfigured the celebration as a day dedicated to giving sweets to the desperate and socially disadvantaged. Kingston wanted Sweetest Day to be a day of altruism, a chance to show compassion and love to one another, especially to those who are sometimes overlooked.

Actress Ann Pennington gave them candy packages on the first Sweetest Day to show her appreciation for the 2,200 Cleveland newspaper boys' work for the community. Another well-known actress, Theda Bera, gave away 10,000 boxes of candy to patients in Cleveland hospitals and sweets to every person who arrived to see her picture in a nearby cinema.

In 1927, a group of candy producers aimed to create a national candy day. According to the "New York Times," the week starting on October 10, 1927, would be referred to as the "Sweetest Week." A decade later, the National Confectioners’ Association advocated the concept of giving Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day equal standing with The Sweetest Day. After hearing about the idea, event programmers in many other cities tried to create similar occasions. 

The Sweetest Day Committee delivered nearly 10,000 boxes of candy to regional agencies in 1940. The "Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children" was among them. Additionally addressed were the New York “ Big Sister" organizations.

How to Celebrate Sweetest Day

While the most common tradition is to distribute sweets among our friends and relatives, one can also opt to give gifts to our loved ones or show any kind gesture that expresses devotion towards them. 

One can even take their loved ones on a weekend getaway to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, which is an excellent idea to refresh our minds and mingle peacefully.

Countries that Observe Sweetest Day

While Sweetest Day celebrations are open to everybody, they are most frequently observed in the Midwest and some regions of the Northeast. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,Texas, West Virginia, and portions of Wisconsin are among the states that regularly observe Sweetest Day. 

Consider this your formal request to join in the celebration by relishing in delectable delicacies and exchanging them with others if you are not in one of these states or have never observed the holiday.

Interesting Facts About Sweetest Day

We are discussing the Sweetest Day. Another occasion is underappreciated. Let’s look at the obscure facts related to this.

  • Typically, the Midwest is where it is observed.
  • The first director of the U.S. Food Administration and presidential candidate Herbert Hoover disliked the holiday.
  • According to Retail Confectioners International, some businesses claim their Sweetest Day sales are more significant than their Mother's Day revenues.
  • There are still people worldwide who are utterly unaware of this holiday's existence.
  • Trick-or-treating had not yet gained popularity when the holiday was established in 1916, and the confectionery industry did not benefit from the fall season's increased sales. The National Confectioners Association established it for that reason.

Unique Sweetest Day Celebration Ideas

The popularity of the unique festival known as Sweetest Day is rising. The best methods to appreciate it are listed below.

  • Place a potluck
  • Pamper together
  • Cushion up to a fire
  • Go on a ghostly city tour
  • Get ready for some games 
  • Sail off from a photographic bay
  • Participate in Autumn events 
  • Make sugary treats for loved ones
  • Add bling to your Sweetest Day
  • Go for craft beer or wine together
  • Ask to see someone who might be alone 
  • Pack a hamper for a picnic in the park

Sweetest Day Quotes

Sweeten your days with these refreshing quotes and forward them to your friends and family. Next up, don’t forget to smile and treat life like a piece of candy when it gets complicated. 

“There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy and a book.” - Betty MacDonald

“People are like M&Ms. They come in a variety of colors, they're hard on the outside and full of obscene yumminess on the inside.” - Michael Makai

“Knowledge was like candy: you never turned it down, especially if you didn't have to work too hard to get it.” - Robert Liparulo


1. Is Sweetest Day a legal holiday?

No, it hasn’t been recognized officially as a federal holiday yet. 

2. What is the distinction between Sweetest Day and Valentine’s Day?

Valentine's Day is observed in February and is often regarded as a tribute to romantic love, but Sweetest Day is celebrated in October. It can be used to convey fondness or affection toward anyone.

3. Is it a memorable holiday for men only?

Today, Sweetest Day is mainly celebrated by guys. The concept is for women to present tokens of their affection to their spouses and partners in the form of little gifts.

Sweetest Day Observances

YearWeekdayDateNameHoliday Type
2023Sat21 OctSweetest Day Non Public
2024Sat19 OctSweetest Day Non Public
2025Sat18 OctSweetest Day Non Public
2026Sat17 OctSweetest Day Non Public
2027Sat16 OctSweetest Day Non Public

We constantly update the dates of holidays that keep changing every year. However, while we revise and change some dates to be accurate, if you find any errors, kindly inform us . That will mean a lot to us.

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