Holidays in Janub Al Batinah, Oman in 2026

01 JanThursdayNew Year's DayPublic
15 JanThursdayMuhammad's Ascension to HeavenPublic
19 MarThursdayFestival of Breaking the FastPublic
20 MarFridaySecond Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
21 MarSaturdayThird Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
25 MayMondayDay of ArafahPublic
26 MayTuesdayFeast of the SacrificePublic
27 MayWednesdaySecond Day of the Feast of the SacrificePublic
28 MayThursdayThird Day of the Feast of the SacrificePublic
29 MayFridayFourth Day of the Feast of the SacrificePublic
16 JunTuesdayIslamic New Year's DayPublic
23 JulThursdayRenaissance DayPublic
25 AugTuesdayBirth of the ProphetPublic
18 NovWednesdayNational DayPublic