Holidays in Fes Meknes, Morocco in 2023

01 JanSundayNew Year's DayPublic
11 JanWednesdayIndependence Manifesto DayPublic
22 AprSaturdayFestival of Breaking the FastPublic
23 AprSundaySecond Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
01 MayMondayLabor DayPublic
29 JunThursdayFeast of the SacrificePublic
19 JulWednesdayIslamic New Year's DayPublic
30 JulSundayThrone DayPublic
14 AugMondayOued Ed-Dahab DayPublic
20 AugSundayRevolution DayPublic
21 AugMondayYouth DayPublic
27 SepWednesdayBirth of the ProphetPublic
06 NovMondayGreen MarchPublic
18 NovSaturdayIndependence DayPublic