Holidays in Kalimantan, Indonesia in 2023

01 JanSundayNew Year's DayPublic
22 JanSundayLunar New Year's DayPublic
18 FebSaturdayMuhammad's Ascension to HeavenPublic
22 MarWednesdayDay of SilencePublic
07 AprFridayGood FridayPublic
22 AprSaturdayFestival of Breaking the FastPublic
23 AprSundaySecond Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
01 MayMondayLabor DayPublic
18 MayThursdayFeast of the Ascension of Jesus ChristPublic
01 JunThursdayPancasila DayPublic
04 JunSundayBuddha's BirthdayPublic
19 JulWednesdayIslamic New Year's DayPublic
29 JulSaturdayFeast of the SacrificePublic
17 AugThursdayIndependence DayPublic
28 SepThursdayBirth of the ProphetPublic
25 DecMondayChristmas DayPublic