Holidays in Central River, Gambia in 2027

01 JanFridayNew Year's DayPublic
18 FebThursdayIndependence DayPublic
05 MarFridayNight of DecreePublic
09 MarTuesdayFestival of Breaking the FastPublic
26 MarFridayGood FridayPublic
29 MarMondayEaster MondayPublic
01 MaySaturdayLabor DayPublic
16 MaySundayFeast of the SacrificePublic
25 MayTuesdayAfrica DayPublic
14 JunMondayAshuraPublic
22 JulThursdayRevolution DayPublic
14 AugSaturdayBirth of the ProphetPublic
15 AugSundayAssumption of MaryPublic
25 DecSaturdayChristmas DayPublic