Holidays in Al Asimah, Bahrain in 2024

01 JanMondayNew Year's DayPublic
10 AprWednesdayFestival of Breaking the FastPublic
11 AprThursdaySecond Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
12 AprFridayThird Day of the Festival of Breaking the FastPublic
01 MayWednesdayLabor DayPublic
17 JunMondayFeast of the SacrificePublic
18 JunTuesdaySecond Day of the Feast of the SacrificePublic
19 JunWednesdayThird Day of the Feast of the SacrificePublic
07 JulSundayIslamic New Year's DayPublic
16 JulTuesdayAshura EvePublic
17 JulWednesdayAshuraPublic
15 SepSundayBirth of the ProphetPublic
16 DecMondayNational DayPublic
17 DecTuesdayAccession DayPublic