Day of the Year

Get everything about this year in one place. Which Day, Month and Week of the year is this? How many days are left in this year? Find out if this is a Leap Year and when is the next leap year.

Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024

Day 262

Current Year: 2024

Current Month Number: 09 (of 12)

Current Week Number: 38 (of 52)

Total Number of days in 2024 : 366

How Many Days Left In 2024

104 days

How Many Weeks Are Left In 2024

14 Weeks

What Week of the Year is it?

Week 38

Week 38 is from Monday, September 16, 2024 until (and including) Sunday, September 22, 2024

Is 2024 a leap year?

Yes, 2024 is a leap year

When is the next leap year?

The next leap day is February 29, 2024

2024 was also a leap year. So the last leap day was February 29, 2024

List of Leap Years 2000-2120

2000 , 2004 , 2008 , 2012 , 2016 , 2020 , 2024 , 2028 , 2032 , 2036 , 2040 , 2044 , 2048 , 2052 , 2056 , 2060 , 2064 , 2068 , 2072 , 2076 , 2080 , 2084 , 2088 , 2092 , 2096 , 2104 , 2108 , 2112 , 2116 , 2120